What I do Day to day to keep it simple....
I have a set of 8 drawers in my closet They USED to hold socks and things but I started turning them into my collection points for prepping items. My trick? Each drawer empties into a storage tote in my barn that collects the same things. Here is what i do...

Buy things in these basic categories...
1. Sewing and Repair
2. Tools
3. Candles and kitchen
4. Things for Barter
5. First Aid
6/ Long term food items for storage
7. Paper, plastic or useful
8. Clothing items
OK.. i will admit i also have 9th and 10th category.. defense which is in my top drawer (and in my safe) but I spend up to 20. in these categories when I can.... The other category is silver.... I buy an ounce every other week. I just do. Now it has a name.. stacking... but silver is wealth you can touch so it is a form of family savings around our house.
2. Put them in the right drawer... i have a piece of duct tape on each drawer... if i have put something in it ... the tape is hanging out.. .if not it is tucked in... I try to fill each drawer with something but reality is you find deals all over the place so you never know what you will put in.
3. Don't stop doing it. At this point i have been filling drawers for over 10 years so i have filled a number of big rubbermaid tubs with my drawers as they fill up. Do i feel i have too much.. no. Do I feel i ever missed the 5.00 ....never.
Things I put in... needles, suture staplers, gauze pads, safety pins, spools of thread, knitting needles, unused party napkins I pick up after parties, mason jars, you name it .. .it fits...
I find amazing things at thrift stores, nut crackers, pliers, corn huskers, candles by the bagful, old good quality leather cross shoulder purses/soft briefcases that make great ammo dumps.
happy looking
Survival Chic